Friday, January 26, 2007

Smoking in LA

There is just something about lighting up in just doesn't fit. It's all seems so healthy and green in Santa Monica. That's why I take the rare occasion to. Bummed one from Paul Amador and it was a nice cap to a long day at the fair. Special shout out to all the new people I met (you know who you are) for making it a fantastic five days.

It was refreshing to have the gallerist from Gualala (say that 3 x fast) Paul Kozal in the booth. Never see him enough and he has been a fair buddy over the years. In fact, I even worked with him at Edward Carter Gallery so many years ago. Flanked by a couple of Tom Allen's, we enjoyed a sweet meal at Broadway Deli where I always seem to end up on Saturday night.

Pepper from YRG rests his sad dawgs in my booth as well. My former work partner, we dubbed ourselves "Salt & Pepper," because we worked so well together. What a team. We also had a third, "Vinegar," but that's a whole other story.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Kidd in Town

If there is a bigger fan of Allen's work than me, it's Chip Kidd. He's been eyeing Allen's work since the fall of 2004 and since has used his images on three different James Ellroy book covers that were reissued by Vintage. The recent Zoetrope (published by Francis Ford Coppola) was "guest designed" by Kidd using over 30 of Allen's photographs cover to cover. He has recently signed on to write the introduction for Allen's Aperture book due this fall. What a pair.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What a Long Night

Yes, it continues, my recollection of the Thomas Allen opening. Ok, I am just back from Photo LA and I am rehashing old news, but never got to finish what I started....What a long night! The opening went smoothly, wine flowed profusely and I was able to sneak my Talisker in a styrofoam cup. It was so packed with a rainbow of characters, some literally pulling on my jacket to get my attention...probably to show me a portfolio of their latest series, "Details of Roots and Rocks." Aaaargh! Below it all was Tom's daughter just going about her business of being an artist at all costs. Watch those high heels girl!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


The Thomas Allen catalogues finally arrived...just hours before the opening on Thursday. I brought the price down to 10 bucks and that seemed to spark a frenzy at the opening. People bought multiple copies, one client buying 10! Yes, I have a few left, but will be taking a bunch to Photo LA on Wednesday.

Tom spent a long time signing them on Thursday and it looks like it got the best of him.


Having a gallery, it's not that glamerous, really. I scrub the floor, set the lights and often hang the shows myself. Not that I mind. I've scrubbed some of the best floors in the business: Fraenkel, Howard Greenberg & Yancey Richardson. It's a total experience and that's what having a gallery is least when you first start off.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


It was press day for the new Tom Allen catalogue: New Releases. Aah, the smell of those delightful inks churning in the big presses while Mohawk Super Fine paper is guided not so gently through. I use 1 800 Postcards and before you chuckle, they are the BEST! I was on press with the mighty print master Sebastian and overall production manager, Haim the Magnificent.

The cries of "more red, more red" were heard quite often. Sebastian is a massive man with a gentle touch. He grew quite fond of Tom's work over the course of the day and hoped to visit the gallery to see the show.

Haim and I both took a good look at the proofs and what was coming out of the press. Haim cuts me a lot of slack. It might be the 15-year Glenfiddich I slipped him last week, but I like to think he has empathy for my plight of championing my super cool artists.

Finally, there is approval and Haim pulls out this diamond studded Mont Blanc pen and I sign off on the sheet which closes out a long day. My eyes see all colors of the rainbow, but perhaps with a bit more red, more red.

As I write this, the catalogues are at the least they should be. Haim, if you're reading this, please make sure they are at the binder! I trust him, not to worry. We kick the show off Thursday night with 16 brand new images. We should be here late, at least until 9 pm, so please stop in and say hello to Tom.