It was press day for the new Tom Allen catalogue: New Releases. Aah, the smell of those delightful inks churning in the big presses while Mohawk Super Fine paper is guided not so gently through. I use 1 800 Postcards and before you chuckle, they are the BEST! I was on press with the mighty print master Sebastian and overall production manager, Haim the Magnificent.
The cries of "more red, more red" were heard quite often. Sebastian is a massive man with a gentle touch. He grew quite fond of Tom's work over the course of the day and hoped to visit the gallery to see the show.
Haim and I both took a good look at the proofs and what was coming out of the press. Haim cuts me a lot of slack. It might be the 15-year Glenfiddich I slipped him last week, but I like to think he has empathy for my plight of championing my super cool artists.
Finally, there is approval and Haim pulls out this diamond studded Mont Blanc pen and I sign off on the sheet which closes out a long day. My eyes see all colors of the rainbow, but perhaps with a bit more red, more red.
As I write this, the catalogues are at the binder...at least they should be. Haim, if you're reading this, please make sure they are at the binder! I trust him, not to worry. We kick the show off Thursday night with 16 brand new images. We should be here late, at least until 9 pm, so please stop in and say hello to Tom.
These catalogs ROCK! How do I know? Because it is full of my images! Yes. I am the artist. However, I must erect a very tall pedestal to the designer: Dolly Meieran. Her talents are astounding. My only regret is that she was unable to attend the opening. Too bad because I was going to give her a big hug. Not to worry. I'll be back in NY soon!!!
Tom Allen
You are so skinny Foley, Congrats! Have you been on the finger diet?
You used 1 800 postcards for the catalogs? What was the edition run?
I won't be in town for a little, can I call in an order for one?
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