Foley Gallery is happy to announce that we will be participating in the Aqua Art Miami in the Wynwood district of Miami. If you are in the Miami area please come and visit us at booth number 3. General information is as follows.
grand opening & preview
Tuesday, December 4, 5-8pm
the preview is free & open to the public
fair dates:
December 5, 12-5pm
December 6, 7, 8, 11am-7pm
December 9, 11am - 4pm
general admission $10
admission ticket is good for the whole week at both venues
free admission with Aqua VIP pass or Art Basel VIP pass
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Where will you be next?
Trent Partridge
Internet Marketer
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Internet Music Marketing, Models,Entertainment
Thanks for this good news.
Bonjorno, foleygallery.blogspot.com!
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